Enrich your pet's diet and support their overall health with our Freeze-Dried Purple Sweet Potato. This nutrient-packed, single-ingredient superfood is bursting with vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber to promote digestion and boost immune health. Use it as a food topper, a crunchy snack, or a supplement to enhance your pet's meals. Its freeze-drying process ensures the retention of all the original nutrients, making it a convenient and healthy choice for pet parents. With no fillers, preservatives, or additives, this low-calorie treat is a guilt-free option for your furry friend. Key Benefits: Nutrient-Rich: Packed with vitamins A, C, and B6, plus antioxidants to support immune health. Digestive Support: High in fiber, promoting healthy digestion and gut health. Single-Ingredient: Made with only 100% purple sweet potato.
*Great food topper